Friday, September 11, 2009
What's My Blog Again?
I haven't blogged in so long -- I forgot my blog address. I just had to ask my coworker what it was. He looked at me like I was on crack.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Catching Up in 6 Words

Blazing Hot. Such a fun weekend.

Won weight contest. Pigged out afterward.
River Walk extension opened. Come visit!
Birthday celebration --on barge with family.
No cake. Made wish on match.
Took mom to Wicked. Wicked Awesome!
Lost a friend --replacement already ordered.
Scenic mountain vacation deserves own post.
Now you are all caught up.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
Happy Day to you.
My blog-post from last year about my mom is still applicable.
Fast forward to the end of church when all the kids came rushing into the Relief Society room to give their moms the cute Mother's Day pins they made for them. Here comes Amy and Henry again. This time Henry hands me a pin he made for me that says in cute little 8-year-old boy handwriting, "Your the best". How sweet is that?! Amy whispered to me that she wasn't sure what sparked Henry's sudden interest in me but we both agreed that it was about the cutest thing ever.
The funny thing is that I don't have much interaction with Henry. I'm not sure if I've really even spoken to him in the past few months. But on this Mother's Day, something sparked in him to do something nice for me. Maybe he's had a lesson recently in church or at home about being nice to the older, single ladies. Ha ha. Who knows? But it got me thinking ... sometimes people say they don't want to be a "charity" case. We know from the scriptures that charity is the pure love of Christ. It was clear that Henry was feeling Christ-like today and I feel blessed and honored to have been his charity case.
New Roomie
Yes, I now have a roommate. It's crazy to be sharing my space again. Over the years my stuff has magically expanded and filled every room and closet in my house. (I'm not sure how that happened) So, I had to have a major cleanup day to get the room ready for her. I had to move everything out including the treadmill, clothes from the closet, office stuff, random stuff, and lots of other stuff ... and then move a bed into that room. I took the doors off the hinges and then, with my mom as my assistant, I proceeded to move all of the heavy items including a mambo, jambo treadmill and two big ol' televisions. Impressed? I was.
The unfortunate thing was that all of the "stuff" that once filled two rooms, had to be crammed into one room. Now my "spare" bedroom is packed.
All of that clutter kinda makes you want to move in this room (below), doesn't it?
Friday, April 24, 2009
NOT a Friend of Jack
Oh yeah. It was a coral snake. And Bella was playing with the head. I wasn't about to go outside with that thing -- bifurcated or not. So what did I do? I called my mom (as if she could come through the phone and take care of it for me). She told me to just go outside with a shovel and get rid of it. (duh.) PSHAW. Instead I called my neighbor to come get rid of it for me. I've had to call him to get rid of a number of Bella's kills. Blek. Anyway - the neighbors, Michael and Kristen, came over and saved the day. Michael was WAY too excited about examining the dead carcass. He put it in a ziploc and kept squishing it. It was still wriggling around even though it was missing its head. Finally, Michael realized that it had ANOTHER snake in its stomach so he pulled the eaten snake out of the coral snake. How gross is that? Boys are so weird. And so is Bella.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Feeling Thrifty

Here are links to some of the great coupon sites:
Here are the links to two news stories we've done recently on coupons:
Monday, March 2, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
MILEStone for Me

Monday, February 23, 2009
Best Neighbors Ever
Super-Quick Recap
Last weekend, I took a last-minute trip to visit the Buxtons in California. We had a good, relaxing time just hanging out, watching a few movies and doing this:
On Friday, my sister, Nicole had a birthday. We celebrated at a Thai restaurant and had an amazing dinner. We ordered so much food that there was enough for all of us to take home some leftovers. And then we split four different desserts. It was SOOO yummy.
Lots of people have been asking about how my brother is doing. I have to ask "which one?" because all three of them are recovering from surgery or injuries.
Lance is healing. He's in MUCH less pain. Here's a look at his staples from his surgery:

Brad is doing good.
Ryan has some banged-up teeth, swollen and stitched-up lips and a big knot on his head. He's feeling better but we're still hoping that his very loose tooth will decide it wants to stick around.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Can you see what's wrong with that picture? The seats are right behind a wall that completely obstructs your view if you're sitting back in your seat. I'd like to meet the man that designed that row. Ding. Dong. Nicole tried to convince me that if you sat at the edge of the seat and leaned on the wall, you could see better and it was sorta comfortable. Yeah, right. She ended up moving, but three girls came and sat there and talked all through the movie. Probably, because they couldn't see the screen.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Lance's Surgery
It was about a three hour surgery -- shorter than the doctor expected and he says things went well. He put the bone back together with plates and screws and it will take about six months to know if the bone will heal properly.
This will require a long recovery process so please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Picture Perfect
I developed so many good ones, I had to buy some new frames. The triple frame below turned out awesome. I took some great pictures on my Washington trip.
What do you do with all of your digital photos?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Zippity Do Da and Sew What?
This zipper in the skirt pictured above is stuck in the "down" position which means I can't wear it. Some of the others are stuck in the "up" position, which means I still try to wear them by pulling them over my head. The problem with that is that the skirt gets stuck on my bosoms and the consequent tugging tends to rip the skirt.
I paid someone to repair two of my skirts with broken zippers, but it cost about as much to fix them as it does to buy a new skirt. And it's not just clothing. I liked this wallet before the zipper malfunctioned:
Monday, February 9, 2009
What You've Missed
Anyway, I decided that I need to update my blog more regularly because I don't want to let my faithful readers down. (Is anyone still reading my blog these days?) So, I thought I'd pay tribute to the blogs that might have been. These are things that I had intended to blog about, but ran out of time.
Like this one:
I'm sure other fun, interesting or noteworthy stuff happened that I've forgotten about. But my head is filled with cobwebs. Oh, speaking of cobwebs ... look at this awesome one that a spider built one night on my crepe myrtle:
Pretty impressive, eh?
Okay, so I've got a couple other blog posts in my brain but I already know that I have no time to write them this week. So, I'm going to write them quickly now and post-date them (like I've done with this one. Didn't know that, did you?) Then, you'll have new blogs to read all week. :)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Excuse Me, Sir, Is That a Fire Hydrant Under Your SUV?

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Jodie B's B-day
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Ryan is a Teenager!

Ryan and I have always had a special bond. We even shared a room from when he was 2 to when he was 4 years old. (It was when I first moved back to S.A. and moved back in with my mom for a couple years.)
Seriously, look at that adorable face:
We've done lots of fun things together! I took him to DisneyWorld when he was 9:
Here we are at a Switchfoot concert when he was 12:
And now, he's growing up so fast! He's into skateboarding and music these days. And I'm not as cool as I used to be. He's informed me that my ipod list is "so last year".
This is definitely an interesting time with lots of middle-school challenges. But no matter how old he gets, I'll always love him SOOO much and he'll always be my baby brother.
Happy Birthday, Ryan!