Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lance's Surgery

My older brother Lance had a pretty serious injury this week and had to have surgery today. Lance fell while he was running on Monday evening and landed on his right shoulder. The top part of his humerus was displaced and shattered and the bone had several other breaks -- some almost down to his elbow. (The humerus is the shoulder bone that goes down your upper arm.)

It was about a three hour surgery -- shorter than the doctor expected and he says things went well. He put the bone back together with plates and screws and it will take about six months to know if the bone will heal properly.

This will require a long recovery process so please keep him and his family in your prayers.


The Dragonfly said...

We'll be praying for him J!

Tobi said...

That sounds aweful! Your poor brothers are all banged up. I hope they both feel better soon.

Buxton Family said...

Poor guy. He is in our prayers. Can't wait to see you!