Monday, February 9, 2009

What You've Missed

Okay, so I've been a terrible blogger lately because I have had no time. I'm not sure what the deal is but I feel like I can't catch up on anything lately. I'm even behind on TV. I haven't watched Lost or The Office in two weeks, and they are my two favorite shows ... so you know it's bad. When my DVR reached 95 percent this weekend, I had to make some choices and kill some stuff that I just wasn't going to get to. (Goodbye Earl, it was nice to know you, but since I haven't watched one episode this entire season, I had to let you go.)

Anyway, I decided that I need to update my blog more regularly because I don't want to let my faithful readers down. (Is anyone still reading my blog these days?) So, I thought I'd pay tribute to the blogs that might have been. These are things that I had intended to blog about, but ran out of time.

Like this one:
I got some very last-minute free tickets to see Dancing With the Stars and found some spontaneous girls to go with me. We had a great time. This blog post would have been funny.
Karen's Visit:

My friend Karen, and her husband Chuy came for a quick visit. We had a delicious dinner at the Silva's house where the newlyweds announced they are EXPECTING. I'm SOOO excited for them.

Brad's Surgery:
My brother, Brad had jaw reconstruction surgery. I'll spare you the gory details ... but WOAH it was intense. This picture was taken a couple days afterward. His jaw was banded shut and he had to eat through a straw for weeks.
Other Stuff:
I'm sure other fun, interesting or noteworthy stuff happened that I've forgotten about. But my head is filled with cobwebs. Oh, speaking of cobwebs ... look at this awesome one that a spider built one night on my crepe myrtle:

Pretty impressive, eh?

Okay, so I've got a couple other blog posts in my brain but I already know that I have no time to write them this week. So, I'm going to write them quickly now and post-date them (like I've done with this one. Didn't know that, did you?) Then, you'll have new blogs to read all week. :)


Angie said...

Dancing with the Stars came to SA? Shows you what I know. I've never watched an episode. But everyone at school is always talking about it.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

WAAAA? With Brad? That dude and the medical stuff. You'll have to fill me in.

Tobi said...

Your poor brother looks miserable. Cool spiderweb picture!

Buxton Family said...

I still read your blog! I'm glad you finally updated it. Your blog always makes me smile!

marlamuppets said...

you could also blog about how freaking AWESOME LOST has been lately! :)
really, you guys should have a weekly LOST party at andy and chade's house ever week. can you imagine sawyer on that screen!