This zipper in the skirt pictured above is stuck in the "down" position which means I can't wear it. Some of the others are stuck in the "up" position, which means I still try to wear them by pulling them over my head. The problem with that is that the skirt gets stuck on my bosoms and the consequent tugging tends to rip the skirt.
I paid someone to repair two of my skirts with broken zippers, but it cost about as much to fix them as it does to buy a new skirt. And it's not just clothing. I liked this wallet before the zipper malfunctioned:
Here's another very common occurrence ... ripped hems:
I have several pairs of pants without hems. Sometimes I used double-stick tape to repair them, and sometimes I just wear them with one pant leg longer than the other.
And don't even get me started on missing buttons. I have a ton of shirts that are missing buttons. I just wear them with an undershirt. Yes, I at least know how to fix a button, but who has the time or energy for that?

Proper Mormon women know how to sew. (That's probably why I'm still single.)
You never fail to crack me up. I don't know how to fix zippers or hems - I have a mom for that. But I can sew on a darn good button . . . if I could only find where the missing ones went to.
I can't sew either. Also what my Mom is for. But don't tell her I said that.
What are you doing to your poor zippers? It sounds like a user error to me.
Just go easy on them zippers. It requires a gentle touch! Just remember, slow and steady wins the race.
I got nothing for you. I don't sew anything that requires a zipper. They scare me.
And I'm not sure what your deal is with zippers. I know my kids seem to struggle with putting them together though!
You are hilarious. Thanks for making me laugh. I heard that you are always supposed to wash items with the zippers closed/up. Oh, come over sometime and I will help you hem your pants - as long as they aren't made of thick material b/c my machine doesn't do demin. haha.
Why don't you take a sewing class in all your spare time! :)
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