Before you get any further on this post, I must warn you that I went collage CRAZY so that I would be able to display as many pictures as possible ... because I've taken a TON.

A couple days later we drove up to Lake Tahoe. It was amazingly beautiful.

Rachel had her last cross-country meet and she finished with her best time yet! I also got to watch Aubrey's horseback riding lesson.
I had such a great time. It's reminding me how much I miss them, but at least I have a fun place to visit!
Thank you Jodie, Wade, Rachel and Aubrey!!!!!
Vacation Part 2:
ANDERSON FAMILY in WashingtonOn Wednesday, I flew from Sacramento to Seattle to visit the Andersons. Unfortunately, I started to feel sick that morning and by the time I arrived, I had officially reached barfdom. Do you know how horrible it is to be sick when you're a guest in someone else's house?! I felt so horrible!!! I tried to put on a brave face but soon after arrival, I had to prostrate myself on the couch. Shar's kids were so cute and so excited to see me and pretty soon they were like, "Are you tired or something?" And of course, Shar made a delicious dinner and I could only take about two bites of it. I was determined to be healed because we had reservations in Seattle the next morning for a food tour of Pike Place Market. That place is SO COOL!
Here's what we sampled on our Savor Seattle tour:
- Freshly Fried Doughnuts
- Crackers and Spread at the Spice Market
- Two Kinds of Salmon at the Fish Market
- Fruit at the High Stands
- Assorted Chocolates and Cherries
- Clam Chowder
- Cheese on Crackers and Macaroni and Cheese
- Salmon and Meat-Filled Piroshkies
- and Finally ... Coconut Cream Pie
I gotta say - I was doing so good at first ... I was pushing through like a champ. I made it all the way to the chocolates and cherries before my stomach began the churning. I REALLY slowed down at the cheese place - but I was determined to at least taste everything. So, despite the pain, I had a bite of each of the piroshkies and then I was officially done. Here's the one item I couldn't partake of:
After the food tour, I could barely stand I was so nauseous. It was so sad because I'm such a foodie and my normal self would have been in heaven at the Pike Place Market. When we first arrived, I was sure I was going to shop around and buy a ton of stuff. I would have loved to try some of the different foods. But after the tasting tour, I was done with food for the day. I couldn't even handle the smell of it. Poor Shar had to eat lunch alone because I couldn't even look at her food.
Thankfully, I was feeling a little better today so we headed to the Olympia area. "Sparky" and "Squirrel" were in school, but we took "Scuffy" along with us. We went to the farmer's market and had lunch and Scuffy entertained us with some hilarious dance moves.
Afterward, we went to a nearby park and hiked a little. It was very pretty but apparently the bay there is very polluted -- we saw lots of nasty looking dead fish, and the smell could gag a maggot. Ignore that smelly part, and just enjoy the pictures. The views were incredible -- especially because the weather was so uncharacteristically sunny.
Tonight, Shar made some DELICIOUS pizza on the barbecue:

I'm so sorry you were sick! That's about the worst way I can think to spend even part of your vacation. I'm glad your feeling better.
I love all the collages you made. What software did you use to make them? Tell Shar and kids I say HI!!
Tell Shar I'm sorry we sent you to her house sick. It sounds like you are having a fun time despite the health issues. I hope you have a great last night/day. We miss you and cannot wait for you to come back to visit.
Jealous. About the food and Shar - not the barfing. You have to take at least one picture of SHAR to post too . . . thanks!
Okay, Sam -- I posted some pictures of Shar with the kids. Can you believe I didn't take ONE picture of Shar and me together while I was there?? In fact, I didn't even get one of myself at all in Washington. Oh well.
Oh, and Tobi -- I used Picasa at Shar's house. But now I'm going to download it on my computer because it was pretty cool. Too bad blogspot isn't letting you click to enlarge them because there are some cool pictures that you can't really see when they're that small.
All of your pictures are so beautiful! We're glad you had fun, we're sorry you were sick and we're glad you're back!
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