Thursday, October 23, 2008

Me, Quirky??!?

Dang it.

I got tagged again.

You can blame Jodie for this post. I'm doing this under duress, but apparently, I'm supposed to share SIX QUIRKS about myself. Here's the thing about quirks -- they're usually things that others notice about you but that you think are perfectly normal parts of your personality. Most people probably don't even realize the quirks about themselves that others find glaringly obvious. So I'll try to list my quirks, but if I'm way off -- feel free to comment and fill me in on what my most obvious idiosyncrasies are.

Quirk #1: Over-analytical & Indecisive
I drive even myself crazy with my inability to make quick decisions ... especially when it concerns things of very little importance. I will mull over very trivial things for an obscene amount of time. I often can't decide what to order at restaurants and quite frequently will just tell the waiter to decide for me. It's a problem. Hence the name of this blog. The launch of the blog was delayed because of my internal debate over a title. Analysis paralysis is what happens when you analyze a situation for so long that you become paralyzed and unable to make a decision. Unfortunately, it's a state I find myself in often.

Quirk # 2: Musical Tourettes
I break out into song -- A LOT. My coworkers call me "Julie Gill, the musical". In fact, when I asked them what my quirks are -- they named this one first. When someone says something in the midst of normal conversation that happens to be a song lyric, I must sing the song. I've been this way my whole life. In elementary school, it got me sent to the Principal's office. Here's what happened: The lunch lady was fussing at the kids at my table to be quiet and in her German accent yelled out, "Enough is Enough!" OF COURSE I was compelled to break out into the Donna Summer classic. The lunch lady, Principal and my mother all thought I was being disrespectful. I was not. The music was in me and I had to let it out.

Quirk # 3: Persistent Tardiness
I hesitate to mention this one because I am sensitive about the subject. I don't know if this is a quirk as much as a major personality flaw. But again, my coworkers insisted that it needed to be on the list. It's something that I really can't stand about myself. I am constantly getting mad at myself over it. I try to change -- but I've been late my whole life. (Seriously -- I got in trouble in elementary school for it!) My whole family is late and believe it or not, I'm not the worst offender.

Quirk # 4: My Need for Symmetry
I asked my mom to name my most glaring idiosyncrasy and this is what she came up with. It's true. I like things symmetrical and balanced. My mom laughs at me all the time about it, but for the life of me I can't think of a single example to further explain this one. And this is one of those that I may not have completely realized about myself if someone else didn't point it out. Thanks, mom.

Do I really need to come up with two more? What the heck should they be? Is being self-deprecating a quirk or a personality trait? I'm really over-anaylyzing this. This is taking WAY too much time -- I could be watching TV. Ugh. ...... Phewsh, just thought of two more.

Quirk # 5: Spelling and Grammar Police
This is one of my quirks that I know people find annoying. I tend to correct other people's spelling and grammar mistakes. Sorry. My mom corrected my grammar when I was growing up, so now I must pay it forward.

Quirk # 6: I Notice Other People's Quirks
Overall, I think I am a pretty tolerant and easygoing person. A lot of the big things don't really bother me. I tend to be patient in a lot of situations that drive other people crazy. Instead, it's the minutiae of people's behavior and individual oddities that can drive me insane. I am a very attentive person and I notice things about people that others don't. Repetitive phrases, hand gestures, the fact that a person has one nostril bigger than the other. I notice these things. Most of the time I process the information but I don't let it bug me. But if I'm in an impatient mood or if someone is on my nerves, I lose patience and become agitated at the little quirks. On occasion, if I feel the need to vent by pointing out such oddities to a third party, people think I'm either 1)crazy or 2)extremely judgemental judgmental. I'm neither. It's just one of my quirks.

I won't tag anyone else by name, but instead I am tagging EVERYONE who reads this. Ha Ha Ha! Take a good, hard look at yourself and share with the class what you think everyone else finds peculiar about you. It's great for the self esteem. And I'm checking your blogs so you must do it!


Julie said...

I'm the first to comment on my own blog -- how lame is that? But I keep thinking of more quirks. (Add "obsessive nature to be thorough" to the list). Other additions:

1) I've got the "Jimmy leg". (That's a Seinfeld reference.) In fact it was Kramer who first diagnosed my Restless Leg Syndrome. It's a legitimate condition that drives me insane but my friends would probably list it among my quirks because it's very odd. Especially if it's late at night and I'm tired. My legs start going berserk.

2) I fall asleep while watching TV or movies if it's past 10pm. (Even in the movie theater)

Molly said...

Jules, you're so cute. I can relate to so many of these little oddities because, I too possess and practice them. I had a little chuckle to myself when you said you notice people's spelling and grammar errors (me too!) and then in the paragraph below you spelled "judgmental" wrong. Was that on purpose? It was a nice touch. haha love you and wish I could have you over for dinner. you always make me laugh. I need that!

Buxton Family said...

Numbers 1,2 and 5 were quirks I thought you would list. They make you you though and we love you. You are a sport of participating. Now go watch some Thursday night TV!

Tobi said...

Hilarious Julie!! I think all of your quirks are endearing. Although I've never personally witnessed Julie the walking musical. Your a great person and I love that we are friends.

p.s. I'm a chronically late girl too.

T said...

The singing's the best. The next time any of you are around Julie Gill, please ask her to sing her mom's version of Sweet Child O' Mine. Priceless.