To everything .. (Turn, turn, turn)
There is a season ... (Turn, turn, turn)
And a time for every purpose under heaven.
Unfortunately, my vacation time has come and gone.
As I was packing up to leave the Anderson Zoo, Shar's kids were asking why I had to go back home and why I had to go back to work. It's simple kids ... it's time to earn that paycheck so I can plan another vacation!!
Who's excited to look at more vacation pics?
Here are a few that I tried to display on my earlier vacation post but you can't really see because for whatever reason blogspot is all buggy with the "click to enlarge" function.
Pretty Scenery:
On my last day with the Andersons, we went on another hike to the beach. (We found one that wasn't polluted and stinky). In fact, it was gorgeous and we had a really cool experience -- I saw something I've never seen before in real life! Let me tell you the story.
Once upon a beautiful Fall Saturday afternoon ... The Anderson Zoo and Julie went on a walk in the forest.
We walked through some really tall trees until we reached a beautiful beach.
We walked along the beach looking for shells when suddenly we noticed something in a tidal pool. It was a STARFISH!
The kids were excited to touch it and to pick it up and look at its belly.
They weren't scared at all, even when it "relieved" itself as they were holding it.
The kids decided the starfish was stranded in the tidal pool and wanted to set it free back in the ocean.
So long, Starfish!
As the starfish swam away to its home, we headed back to ours. First, we hiked back through the tall trees in the forest.
Then, we drove back along the enchanted tree-lined roads to the Anderson home.
I'm so happy enjoyed your trip. I'm loving the little starfish. That would be such a neat experience to see one in real life.
I really hope my little family gets transfered to Washington. That would be so fun to be within partying distance of the Anderson Zoo.
I love all the pictures. Did you get a new camera?
What a beautful hike and to top it off...a real live starfish. That's a once in a lifetime experience. Super cool. I'm glad you had a great vacation.
What a nice story!! It could be a children's book - too bad that IRL I think the starfish was probably offing itself...
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that part of the ending.
SOO glad you could come.
OOH. Pretty. Where did you say this was? Seattle? We moved here from WA--a little south of there but still. Cool place.
What fun! I can't believe how green everything is! I am glad that you had fun!
I love the pictures you took. What a beautiful land our Lord has created for us. I can't even believe you got to touch a real Starfish. I would have loved that too, not so much the part of it doing peepee on me though.
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