"Get in Shape, Girl" Update:
Let's refresh. The goals were these:
- No more than 3 (diet) sodas per week
- No more than 3 desserts, sweets or sugary snacks of any kind per week
- No more than 1 meal with anything fried per week (french fries, regular chips, etc)
- At least 20 days of exercise (20 out of 44 days)
And I had moments of great restraint. Let's focus on those for a minute. There was one day at work when a coworkers brought the most amazing looking cupcakes.Key lime, OREO, chocolate and red velvet! And there were dozens of them.
So now that I have talked about all of my triumphs, here is the confession part. 1) I am totally addicted to diet soda (especially Diet Pepsi) 2) Sugary carbs call to me 3) I am weak.
I will set new goals (or the same goals again) AFTER my upcoming vacation.
Concerts & Craigs List:

So many of you know about my love for the band, Switchfoot. I've seen them 4 times in the last couple years. Anyway, they were here last night. I had tickets. I did not go. I'll make the sob story as short as possible. When they first went on sale, I decided not to buy them because they were 60 bucks PLUS it fell on General Conference weekend and so most of the guys in my life would be attending the Priesthood meeting that night. But a few months later, Live Nation had a one-day sale where you could get concert tickets for 10 bucks a piece. I got 4 hoping that I could find someone to go with me. Fast-forward to this weekend -- I couldn't find anyone. (I blame the Buxtons for moving!!) I had to sell the tickets on Craig's List. The good news is that I made 50 bucks. So there's a silver lining in my sad little Switchfoot storm cloud. Oh and I found out they're going to be here for the rodeo in February. Maybe I can find friends by then. :)
Ok, I'll tackle it all:
1. The fact that you by-passed the cupcakes is a modern day miracle to me. There is no way on earth I could have done that, not with red velvet and key lime in the room. NO WAY ON EARTH.
2. Diet soda... does this mean I need to buy you some? 'Cause we don't drink soda in these parts. It's the one vice I don't have anymore. (Well, Mormon-style vice) It wasn't my own will-power of course, just go on Topomax. In any case, maybe deprivation up here will help? Or should I have it on hand for you?
3. TV... yes, I've watched and pathetically I'm all caught up with what I watch. I may watch less shows though? Amazing Race (love, always love and always cry), Office (love), Grey's Anatomy (it's like a bad soap I can't stay away from so I don't expect much anymore), Chuck (of course I love it - I can overlook all flaws), Survivor (I can't believe I'm watching but Ace needs to leave my TV NOW), Heroes (I'm confused...but waiting patiently), Pushing Daisies (also got a little confused). That's my wrap up. I'm not sure I watch any others. I get confused between what is actually on TV and what I've Netflix'd because I'm running through a bunch of BBC series right now. Anyhoo....off to put the kids to bed so I can watch my RAAAAAACE.
OHHH I knew there was another one -
Project Runway. And I HAAAAATE Kenley. HAAAAAATE her and if she gets her own show I may have massive issues.
and I've been watching Top Design because Rick Schroeder's wife is on right now. And she's got Mormon power (and acts it too - girlfriend needs to grow a spine and use something other than white in her design. Not that there is anything wrong with white - but it's a little one note in a competition).
Junk food is my downfall. That is why the scale has been going back up, even with all the half-marathon training. 8[
DVR is another evil invention. Makes me record stuff that I never would have bothered with before.
And I get the mediocre. And yet, I'm still setting stuff to record. I need to "weed" my season pass list.
Switchfoot is pretty cool. I don't know a lot of their stuff but what I do know I like. If you haven't met a super suave, good looking, honors his priesthood male by rodeo I'm up for a girls night out. Are there any of those left? Like, really?
I'm totally giving you mad props for resisting those cupcakes. That is one serious act of self control. I'm positive I wouldn't have been able to stop myself from taste-testing a key lime.
As far as the fall line up goes I'm kinda liking the Fringe. It's got an X-files feel to it. But the "I did that experiment 25 years ago and I have the answer to that problem" is already getting old and I'm only three episodes in. I'll let you know when I've reached a verdict.
I have to agree with Shar about Project Runway. I can't stand Kenley. She is the biggest whine bag and she cannot take criticism.
Shar - I don't need a constant infusion of diet soda. I just need one Diet Pepsi with lunch on most days. I'm confident I'll be able to satisfy that. We can talk TV when I'm there to visit you. (YIPEE) I don't watch Project Runway but I've seen a couple Top Designs.
Tobi - I watched the first 3 episodes of Fringe but the plots were so silly I had to quit. Mainly because the old man's concurrent I-am-brilliant/I-just-peed-myself moments were intolerable. But having said that I must admit that I've been watching the new 90210. I'm so ashamed.
Angie - maybe we could go to the Rodeo for a mid-singles activity. ha ha ha. (Wait ... actually, that's not a bad idea. In fact, I think it's a great idea. I'm brilliant!)
WHY WHY WHY is it that food that tastes so delicious has to be so bad for us???? {Note my Dutch Apple Pie post...it was amazingly delicious!}
Survior and Amazing Race: I think they will be good this season. Not much changes other than the people.
Heroes: What is going on...anyone's guess.
Pushing Daisies: I loved last season, but was disappointed with the season premier last week. I hope it gets better because I think it is a darling show.
Switchfoot...{sigh}...we would have loved to make another memory with you.
I was hesitant to comment because I didn't want to sound all "holier than thou" on the whole TV thing. So my disclaimer is that this is what works for me:
You know I love TV. You know I've watched many of the same shows as you. You know I have a little bit of an addiction. Having said that, I'm going to tell you my TV plan for this year (what works for ME)
I've actually decided to watch NO NEW SHOWS. I've also decided to cut my viewing of shows from last year down by HALF.
After taking the summer off from TV entirely, I realized that for me, it was only a good on my list of "good, better and best". I found myself immediately turning the tube on once my kids went to bed and staring at it for 3 hours until I went to bed. Not the most productive use of MY time.
Now I'm down to the shows that make me laugh - which I need! The Office, Pushing Daisies and Chuck. I may throw in an Ugly Betty now and again. Gone are the shows w/ gratuitous violence (sorry Heroes, Bones!) and over the top sexual situations (adios Greys!)
I find myself doing more in the project/crafty department - which may or may not be a good thing, but that's my deal right now.
I applaud your ability to resist the cupcakes that were about one foot away from you! That red velvet was fantastic!
I'm with you on the TV. With the exception of that Christian Slater show, I think I've watched everything on the list. I'm sticking with Fringe. Just when I think I'm going to drop Earl, it makes me laugh. I'm giving a few other shows a little more time before I decide if I'm going to drop them. I think the real sign will be how long they sit on my DVR. If I keep skipping it, I must not be that interested. I do admit the DVR makes it too easy to watch TV - but at least it saves some time (you know, being able to skip commercials).
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