Sunday, May 25, 2008

Shower Caddy Disaster

Don't buy one of these, it will only end in heartbreak. Well, at least it did for me.
I am so P to the O'd right now!!

I drove all around today looking for a shower caddy. As I've mentioned before, I have a lot of hair products. My shower is crowded with them, and my old shower caddy is starting to rust at the bottom.
So I went to the Container Store, Wal-Mart, Marshall's, The Home Store, and Target all looking for a replacement. No luck ... I can't find this kind anymore. ERGGG. So I settled on a tall one with a tension rod. It sits in the corner of the shower and is supposed to be held in place by a rod that reaches to the ceiling. Seems cool, right? WRONG. Not if your shower isn't the right height and OF COURSE mine isn't. The whole process was a comedy of errors.
First, I put the stupid thing together and then realized it was too tall. So I had to unscrew the baskets and re-adjust so I could remove one of the rods. I did this a couple times and ended up stripping the screws. Then one of the teeny tiny screws went down the bathtub drain and I had to retrieve it with a pair of tweezers. Meanwhile, the entire time I was trying to work with it, the sections kept coming apart. The thing sprang into pieces about a dozen times. I was getting so frustrated. Finally, when I got it adjusted one pole shorter, it was TOO SHORT.
ERRGGGGGGG!! I guarantee Target will not take this thing back because it's assembled and all scratched up due to my adjusting the shelves. I was determined to find another use for it. The linen closet? It looked stupid and didn't fit anyway. So then I got the bright idea of trying to put it on my vanity thinking I could put my lotions and hair products in the baskets. I stood up on the counter and tried to get the tension rod adjusted correctly. The first time, it sprang apart and the spring shot across the room. I had to get down to retrieve it and of course the poles all fell apart again. So the second time I tried it I don't even know what happened but next thing I knew my medicine jar filled with Q-tips flew off the counter and crashed onto the toilet.
ERRRRGGGGG again! There was glass everywhere. I mean everywhere. That thing shattered all across the bathroom floor. And of course this was all happening at this time in the AM:
But I was still determined to find a place for it. I carried the whole thing into my spare bathroom and tried the process over again there. Nope. Didn't fit in that shower either. How about on the vanity? Whoops, there went the flower arrangement. Now that bathroom has little pieces of lavender all over the place.

So now, my shower caddy looks like this:
It's 2:45am. I'm going to bed. Thanks blog, for letting me vent.


Buxton Family said...

Why do these things happen to you? I'm so sorry. I have a small shower caddy you can have if you want it. No assembly required. It is just sitting in a closet right now.

Julie said...

Thanks Jodie! Unfortunately it doesn't fit. I vaguely remembered buying one of those kind before and returning it but I couldn't remember why. But after trying yours, it's all coming back to me. They don't fit on my shower head. Thanks anyway! (Another thing for your garage sale!)

Nicole said...

I thought I was the only one who had a hard time getting those things to work without shooting across the room! I called mine quite a few names. I was so angry with it, I left it at the apartment when I moved to my house. I have a little more space to store stuff - especially since I threw out bath products I hadn't used in about a year!

Filburt said...

You poor thing! I'm so sorry, I'm here if you need to talk.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Who is filburt and why does he scare me?
You are funny though. And yeah, I don't have near enough stuff for it to matter and I have a lot of built in stuff around my shower but I have a lot of those "hook around my shower head" numbers that always slide down on me that irritate.
Get some sleep!!!

Julie said...

Ha ha! Poor Filburt. We love him. I informed him that his picture was scary and so he's going to change it. :)

The Dragonfly said...

Solution to your problem: reduce your hair product by two thirds and by the regular over the shower caddy. (of course I know this is not probable, due to your addiction . . .)

Tobi said...

Sorry about all the shower drama. Thanks for the warning about the piece of HUD shower caddy.