Alright, I finished it. I have to admit it took me several hundred pages to "bond" with this book, although, it is DEFINITELY a Stephenie Meyer creation. There is a pattern to her writing ... similar emotions and dilemmas, similar dramatic main character ... torn between two loves, etc. That bugged me at first, but then I realized that many authors follow patterns.
(Hello - Nicholas Sparks. Apparently he can't write a book without killing off one of the main characters.) Anyway -- I finally got into The Host when I was about 2/3 through it. Of course I stayed up
way too late last night and finished the last 40 pages before work this morning. That meant I had to shower and dress in about 10 minutes and then go to work without makeup on. (yikes!) Overall opinion of the book? It was pretty good. But I don't CRAVE a sequel like I do with the vamp books. If you've finished the book -- let's discuss! Go to the comments section. If you haven't read it and you plan to read it, don't go there. Spoilers await.
Okay - was anyone else concerned that there was a lot of kissing going on in that cave and not a lot of brushing of teeth? Especially in the chapter where she kissed Ian and Jared back-to-back hoping to get Mel to resurface. I was not as into it as I could have been because I was thinking the whole time how disgusting her breath must be after spending 3 days sequestered in the big room without eating, drinking or talking. Talk about frog breath. I'm just sayin' ... Stephenie Meyer could have added some tooth-brushing passages so that hygiene-obsessed people like me could have enjoyed the kissing to the fullest.
You and breath. No, I didn't even think of it once.
I did "enjoy" the book, but I didn't savor it. I sped-read through a few hundred of the pages, skimming over the words getting to the meat. I really wished she'd have fleshed out some of the other characters a little more. Like why the heck was cousin Sharon SOO angry? I wish she'd have gone into that a little more. If Mel was willing to go and risk her life for Sharon, you'd think there would be a little more in that relationship. Just sayin'. But Stephenie is all about the boy/girl relationships. And actually, I think that's why I liked this one and thought it was a little different - there was a good friend relationship going on between Mel and Wanda. That's new. I think this one has more "meat" in it then Eclipse as far as moral dilemmas, etc. I am very in awe of Stephenie's ability to come up with all this stuff. I'm just not that creative.
I agree about the hygiene stuff. The thing that bothered me the most was I really thought Wanda should die in the end. She IS a parasite. She does take away another being's free will. I wasn't really in love with the idea of her and Ian having a happy ending. I just wanted Ian to get over his feelings for Wanda. Just like I want Jacob Black to imprint on someone and get over Bella. Don't get me wrong though. I did enjoy reading this book and for the most part enjoyed the story.
I see what you mean, but I was okay with it. I was having a harder time wrapping my head around the fact that Wanda was in another body. Mainly because while Ian DID love Wanda for her, part of love/attraction is physical. It would be weird to suddenly love someone in another body. If I had to predict the future of this series, I would say that book 2 will be finding more groups of humans and the fight between aliens that want to live with humans and ones that don't. Then the third one will probably be the humans taking over the earth again and living peaceably with the aliens that want to stay and the aliens who don't will abandon the planet. Just a guess. Back to Twilight -- I'm one of those weird people who loves Jacob as well as Edward. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Edward -- but when she describes how muscular and hot-blooded Jacob is compared to Edward's "icy marble lips" I'm thinking that would be a tough choice. I'd want them both. Is that wrong? (And the kid that plays Jacob in the movie is so cute!)
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