They say the first step in recovery is recognizing that you have a problem. So here I am, publicly admitting that I am full-on addicted to hair product. The picture shows the stuff I bought just today. You see, Beauty First has a sale on the first Tuesday of each month when members get 20% off. I bought a TON of stuff last month so I told myself I needed to stay away for a few months. But today, after work, I thought, "Maybe I should just walk in the store to see if there are any great deals that I just can't pass up." Of course there were! (See those Joico products and the bag behind it? -- that was $24.95 BEFORE my 20% discount. So I paid 20 bucks for all of it. Purchased separately they would have been more than $40! How's that for a bargain?? huh?) Yeah, I'm not going to divulge how much I actually spent for everything.
Oh how I love hair product. It makes me so happy. But it's ridiculous how much of it I have. There are more than a dozen different shampoos and conditioners currently in my shower and I have a TON of styling product. I sort of, just a little bit, feel guilty buying more. But you know what, if loving hair product is wrong, I'm not sure I want to be right.
Maybe I should think of this as stocking up in case of an emergency. Some people have food storage, I have hair product storage. If there's an emergency, maybe we can work out a little trade.
The pertinent question to ask here is "Do you have absolutely fabulous hair due to your obsession with product?"
No. I guess that is the sad part. To have absolutely fabulous hair, I would have to spend lots of time fixing it and I don't. But if I didn't use great product I'd have really BAD hair. Big, bad, frizzy hair. Having good product means I can manage my curly hair and fix it very quickly. And it smells good.
This is one of my favorite Julie-isms. You've always had this "issue" - but it isn't just with hair products. It's with all hygiene products. But you do have the best hygiene of anyone I know. Seriously. And you smell the best of anyone I know. AND, you are right - your hair would be out of control without product. I'm not sure going to these extremes is necessary, but we all have our things. For instance, I definitely don't need as many cake plates as I own. I love seeing all your stuff though, you always have the latest and greatest. And you can pamper yourself.
Plus living in the humidity like you do, there are extra forces at work down there.
Thank you for your support, Shar!!
And it's true. It's not just hair product. I have a ridiculous amount of lotions, body sprays, lipsticks, etc.
I'll supply the food if you supply the products. That is one area I don't stock up on!
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