I took a vacation day on Friday to have a girl day with my friends, Jodie, Melissa, Ami, and Amy. First we had pedicures. It was heavenly!

Don't our feet look fantastic!

Then, we took our silky smooth soles to lunch. Mexican food. Yum!

Next, we went to a movie. We saw
Mamma Mia! It doesn't get any
girlier than that. If a straight man were forced to watch that movie I think he might break into hives or have a seizure or something. I had read the reviews beforehand and knew that it was supposed to be over-the-top cheesy. But the others were actually expecting it to be a great movie so needless to say they were pretty disappointed. If you haven't seen this movie and you are still considering it ... I must warn you ... First, you CANNOT have an ounce of
cynicism in your body to be able to enjoy this movie on any level. The script, the acting, the dancing is so ridiculous. You must accept that going into it. Second, with the exception of the main girl, the singing is absolutely terrible. When Pierce
Brosnan started singing the majority of the theater started laughing. It was
that bad.
Every time he would sing, we couldn't stop giggling. And to think that was his voice AFTER digital enhancement. Frightening. I'd say wait for the DVD and then rent this movie from
RedBox for a dollar. Then make yourself some
queso and enjoy a cheese-filled evening.

And finally, as if a day of
girliness weren't enough, the fun continued into the night. In fact, this may be the
girliest event of all. A friend from church hosted a
Twilight party to celebrate the eve of the
Breaking Dawn release.

(Morgan, the host of the party)

There were book-themed food and games and we wore buttons to declare our allegiance to either Jacob or Edward.

I declared my
indecision with temporary tattoos on both my ankles.

(Is anyone really surprised that I can't make up my mind about who Bella should choose?)
There was a contest to see who had the most extreme story for being sucked into these books. (They are very addictive and once you start reading they are hard to put down.)
I won the contest for being the biggest freak!
My Story:
When I started reading Twilight, it was on a week night. I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to read. I got maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep. Then when my alarm went off, I decided I could allow myself to read for 15 minutes before getting up for work. Well, of course I was totally immersed in the story and ended up reading WAY longer than I intended. I had to call into work and tell them that I was going to be coming in late. And of course, because like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie, I confessed about why I was going to be late. I have endured endless mockery for this confession. (But now a couple of my coworkers have read the series and have a little more compassion toward me.)
Here was my prize for being an obsessive reader:

It was a silly, fun day with great friends.

Thank you for warning us all about Mamma Mia. That's a movie I was on the fence about. Now I can happily just cross it off my list.
Also I love the fake tattoo's!
It was such a great day with wonderful friends. However, the picture of me at the end of your post is horrible. We really need to take it again. UGH!
Too funny. Jodie told me about your blog entry. I love it. That picture of me isn't half bad either. I am glad you had a good time.
Ooo, is there a way you could send me that photo of me? I just realized I have no pictures of me from the party. If you have a bit of time that would be great.
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