I haven't blogged in a while - but this past week has been a hard one. My Nanny passed away last Sunday night. She had Alzheimer's Disease and has been bed-ridden for several years. I have mourned the loss of my grandmother at various times over the last 7-8 years because the disease really took away the Nanny that I knew, but at least we had the comfort of having her physically in our lives. But in the end, it was time to let her go. I was there along with some of her children and other grandchildren when she passed away. The most heartbreaking part was seeing my grandpa in mourning. They were married for 66 years.

That picture showed my grandparents on their wedding day. My nanny was buried in her wedding dress (without the white collar).

I gave the Eulogy on behalf of her nine grandchildren. Here we are with our PaPa:
We all came up with some of our favorite memories. We talked about some of the fun outings we went on with her and how much we loved her cooking, especially her baking. (She was famous for her banana bread and even though I have her recipe, my bread doesn't even come close to hers.) She had an infectious laugh and we loved to joke around with her. But our favorite part was how much she loved us and how proud she was of her family. We will miss you Nanny but will always remember you!

Oh man Julie, I'm sorry. I wondered where you'd been but I assumed the Olympics had eaten you alive. Your nanny was/is great. Down with heartbreaking diseases - especially for your family. ♥
Julie I should have read your blog before I e-mailed you. Sorry that I haven't been keeping up and I'm very sorry for your loss.
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