Monday, August 18, 2008

Get in Shape, Girl!

It's six weeks until October. Summer is winding down and school is about to start. It just feels like the right time to make some healthy goals. I've made "contracts" with friends and they seem to work - so I'm going to do it again. This time I'm using the blog for some accountability and hopefully, I will be motivated by the fear of public humiliation. My goals may seem easy to some of you -- but let me say that they will be a huge improvement over my current situation (diet soda every day, sweets after every meal, etc.). So here are my goals starting today until October 1st:

*No more than 3 (diet) sodas per week
*No more than 3 desserts, sweets or sugary snacks of any kind per week
*No more than 1 meal with anything fried per week (french fries, regular chips, etc)
*At least 20 days of exercise (20 out of 44 days)

Anyone want to join me? (You can make up your own goals)


The Dragonfly said...

Since my summer has been one chaotic mess, and I can count on two hands the number of times I have used my pricey gym membership since June 1st, and since my kids are going back to school in two weeks and I will be kid free for three hours each day, I've decided to join you. I'll let you know my plan when I set some semi-realistic goals. Thanks for the motivation.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I'm on board. I need to think through the exercise portion at least in the beginning since my ankle is kaput.
Good idea.

Tobi said...

Me too! Me too! I promise to stop drinking diet cranberry limeades from Sonic and in general to stop eating out. I also promise to dance five nights a week with my kids. Cause my kiddies don't judge on my spastic dance moves.

Of course I will have to break my eating out rule when you come to Austin. Are you still coming to Austin?

The Dragonfly said...

Went to the gym at 5:45 this morning. Just felt like I should report that to someone like you . . . the organizer of our little thing we've got going on.