Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Prodigious Pencil

I've always loved getting new school supplies at the beginning of a new school year. So imagine my delight when the mother-of-all pencils arrived in our newsroom. I took it for a test run to see how it holds up against other wee writing utensils.

Big pencils need big erasers. ... So far so good.

This pencil ROCKS in pencil wars! I totally dominated this match.
(Apologies to Joe for whacking his hand instead of the pencil. My weapon was heavy and my aim wasn't very good. whoops)

But I did find some drawbacks. For starters, if the pencil lead breaks it might be hard to find a sharpener.

And it's a little awkward to keep behind your ear.

It's definitely difficult to accomplish the pensive pencil-in-mouth look.

My hair was too short for the final pencil test. But Bernice tried it out. I decided that you might have to be Crystal Gayle to sport this pencil-in-hair fashion.

I wonder if it's a #2 pencil? I would LOVE to whip this sucker out during a standardized test. I dare someone to bring this pencil to the first day of school!! Any kids out there wanna do it?

(You will be required to document your dare with pictures.)


The Dragonfly said...

I almsot peed my pants reading this post. That pencil is AWE-SOME! It will never end up in some kid's nose, it will never have bite marks all over it and if you stabbed yourself in the leg with it, the lead in your system would kill you immediately. I've got to have one. Thanks for the laugh.

Angie said...

Serious? That would be funny on the first day. Standing in the hallway with class lists, checking kids off. I'd take pictures.

What other cool stuff has shown up in the newsroom? If I'd been reading your blog longer would I know?

Morgan said...

Oh my gosh,...that's so funny!

The Cragun Family said...

That's a gigantic Pencil. I like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!