There are days when I'm pretty coordinated ... and then there are days when I am not. I am currently going through the "am not" stage. Let me tell you about my series of mishaps last night that left me boiling over with frustration.
First: I ran errands after work and decided to pick up some delicious chicken soup from
Las Palapas for dinner. I got home at about 8:30, fed the dog, changed out of my work clothes and was so excited to sit on my couch, eat my soup and watch the Olympics. But as I grabbed the paper sack with the container of soup inside, the bottom of the bag ripped open (it had become soggy from the soup), the s
tyrofoam thing of chicken soup went flying and landed right on the threshold between the kitchen and the living room. The container burst open and half of the soup went splattering across the kitchen floor, the other half soaked into my living room carpet. By this time I was hungry and tired and it took everything I had in me to clean it all up.
Second: I went upstairs to clean myself up after the soup fiasco. My hands were soupy so I didn't flip on the light and consequently ran straight into a wall very hard. The pain just made me even madder so I yelled at the wall and called it a jerk.
Third: I went back downstairs and decided to have a pudding cup since that's about all I have in my fridge. (Don't worry, it's sugar free). I reached for it and somehow dropped it on the kitchen floor and it split open, sending pudding splattering on the floor and into my
Four: I'm sitting with a new pudding cup trying to enjoy the Olympics and the devil dog starts barking NONSTOP at a stupid toad. So I get her in from outside and I was about to put her in her crate when she knocked over a brand new bag of dog food that I had JUST opened. (I couldn't get the zipper open so it was ripped at the top) The dog food goes scattering all across the floor -- at least 4 or 5 cups worth.
Five: I've finally had enough and decide I must be REALLY tired and so I just need to go to bed. So I went to get my nightly cup of water out of my
Ozarka-big-bottle-dispenser-thingy. As I was filling up the cup, it slipped out of my hand, landed squarely on the top of my foot and splattered across the floor. I grumbled in pain and just went to bed. I didn't even clean up the water.
And apparently the curse continues. This morning my friend, Phil was sharing his big thing of gum with the newsroom. (Have you seen those plastic dispensers of eclipse
chicklet kind of gum?) Anyway -- I tossed it to an intern and it hit the floor and burst open like a pinata. Gum for no one! Yea me.
What the huh?
p.s.-- To make me feel even worse about my lack of coordination, Phil has written an obituary for his lost gum pack. (Way harsh Phil.)