I don't want to spoil the movie if you haven't seen it so I'll give my detailed review in the comments section.
P.S. - After I initially posted this, Ami reminded me that I didn't include some of the most important factors that contributed to an overall stinky movie experience. First of all the icee machine was broken. After realizing that, I had to return the empty cup for a refund because I wasn't about to pay 4 dollars for a soda. Then, I sat next to some annoying teenagers. (I have nobody to blame but myself because I picked the seats.) They weren't there to watch the movie, instead they just talked loudly nonstop. I finally had to be the annoying adult that told them to please be quiet. The teenage boy apologized, but the teenage girl just kept talking. I have encountered this phenomenon quite a few times. Movies are expensive, I don't understand why they pay the $8.25 when they could text and talk somewhere else for free. Then, the most baffling thing is that 4/5ths through the film, in the MIDDLE of a climactic chase scene, they got up and walked right in front of us and left the theater. I have seen teenagers do that in several other movies too. Strange creatures, these teenagers. Baffling. The people behind me were also talkers but they were a different variety. They were the loud reactors, i.e. "Don't go in there!!" "What is she doing?!" "He better run!" And finally, there was Ami. She sat next to me with her hand covering her eyes the entire time. She has never seen an X-Files; she just wanted to come along with us for popcorn and a soda. I kept having to tell her that she was covering her eyes during completely mundane scenes. That's when she informed me that she didn't like scary movies and that her favorite movie is "The Sound of Music" and that she had to keep them covered because something scary could happen at any minute. I've already decided that I'm going to see Batman alone.
I've tried not to get my hopes up too much because I didn't want to be let down. But I have been. I realize it's hard to reach the bar when the expectation is set so high, but this movie just shouldn't have been made. OR it shouldn't have been made as an X-Files. First of all, this isn't a movie I would have seen without Mulder and Scully. It wouldn't have interested me. And the whole Mulder and Scully involvement was just weird. Too much time has passed since they were in the FBI and the way Mulder was cast out, it just made the sudden request for him to work on this case seem absolutely silly. And then the Mulder/Scully relationship is so complicated, I'm not sure how I feel about it. I mean there was SO much anticipation and underlying chemistry and tension during the show. It worked because there was still some mystery about how they lived their home life. But in this one, I found myself sad at the realization that Mulder would be impossible to live with. I'm supposed to believe that they had a functional relationship with Scully working hard at the hospital while Mulder was locked up in a room cutting out newspaper clippings all day?? And if she could put up with that for years, then why did this case make her question her ability to stay with him? I admit I was mildly excited to see them in the first "relationship" moment, but the kiss did nothing for me considering how long fans waited for it. The chemistry wasn't gone. There is definitely an undeniable connection between Mulder and Scully but it's saturated in sadness.
Okay, to further concrete my impressions about this movie, I just watched "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose". An episode about a psychic who helps solve a series of murders. The plot was so much better than the movie. And there was the familiar witty banter and comraderie between Mulder and Scully that I loved so much. I want to remember them that way.
That is true about Mulder.
But during the movie I was pretty annoyed by Scully. Whiny, whiny, whiny. "I just can't do it anymore. I can't chase after monsters in the dark ..." blah, blah, blah.
My blog is not very interesting. 8]
Oh well.
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