Sunday, July 20, 2008

Extreme Makeover

Okay so maybe "extreme" is a little extreme, but I'm still at the "What-Have-I-Done" stage of my new haircut. I feel naked. But I was needing a change and decided to chop off all of my hair.

The goal was to make it easier to fix my insanely thick hair. I hope that it will indeed be easier because it is definitely is one of those haircuts that has to be fixed. When I woke up this morning I looked like Lou Ferrigno.

So what do you think?


Nicole said...

love it!

do you feel naked?

i'm still trying to get used to my short hair. it does feel nice with this heat to not have hair sitting on my neck!

Ellen said...

Super cute! This is the Julie hair I remember anyway!

Tobi said...

It's so very flattering on you. I love it. Those two hours at the salon totally paid off.

Molly said...

I like it Jules! You can do no wrong. You always look darling. Someday I'll get up the courage to do something bold with my hair. I always wimp out and opt for "just a trim!"

Hil said...

I love it! Very chic!