Sunday, July 20, 2008

Burn Baby Burn (Mail Truck Inferno)

This was one of my most exciting mailbox days ever!
I opened the mailbox and was greeted by a smokey scent. Then I reached in and found a plastic bag with a scorched piece of mail inside. The Post Office informed me that my mail was on a postal truck that burned back in March. (You can read and/or watch the news story by clicking here.) Isn't that exciting? The postal service salvaged a four-month old piece of junk mail and took great care to make sure I got it. Hilarious. But now it makes me wonder if that million-dollar check I've been expecting was on that truck. I may never know.


Nicole said...

Spriester got one, too. I guess those people at the post office really do care about the mail.

I always thought they kicked packages and bent the envelopes marked "do not bend." Guess I was wrong.

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