Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Meet The Devil Dog

A.K.A. Bella:
I've had Bella since she was 6 weeks old. She turned 3-years-old last month.
Doesn't she look like the cutest, sweetest pup ever?
So why is her nickname "Devil Dog"? ...

It's a DARN good thing she's so cute!


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

What happened to her leg? Should I ask what the white stuff is all over your lawn? This reminds me of the destruction Mozart wrecked on the Idyllwild house. I'm sure my parents paid a nice chunk to repair it before they sold it. He ate through the laundry room door among other things.

Nicole said...

you've inspired me to do a personal blog! i'm writing about what i'm doing - it will likely be a lot of recaps about tv shows i've watched!! take a look: