I hope everyone is having a Happy Halloween!
(Especially my brother, Lance who is celebrating his birthday today!)
The Grinch may have stolen Christmas, but the economy has put the kibosh on Halloween ... at least at my place of employment. We used to have a party and a costume contest with CASH prizes. I've been known to win some of that moolah in years past. Last year, I finally achieved my dream Halloween costume. I had been wanting to do it since 1984 when Danielson (Ralph Macchio) sported it in The Karate Kid. This masterpiece won me 25 (or was it 50?) bucks. See how we all played along? Usually we have a ton of people in great costumes, but not this year. It's sad. There are just a few of us. Not that my costume is great. In fact, it's my go-to witch apron and hat that I bring out every few years when I'm too lazy to come up with something good.
Phil and Me. You can't see his boots in these pictures, but he was either a cowboy, Indiana Jones (with a large man-purse), or Woody from Toy Story. I'm not sure which. (Or maybe he wasn't dressed up at all??)
But check out the picture below. There are some unexplained phenomena in the upper right part of the picture. I'm pretty sure they are ghostly orbs.
My coworker, Mike, looked better in my witch costume than I did:It's so fun to play dress up. Maybe I should have gone as the Sonic commercial girl. Lately, a lot of people have been telling me that I look like her. I guess we both have blonde hair and small noses ... but other than that. I dunno. What do you think?
YouTube Link:
And speaking of other people's perceptions of me ... my friend Tobi wrote a blog about her quirks ... and in it she mentioned this talent she has for assigning songs to people she knows. So, of COURSE I wanted my songs. I got two of them. (Awesome!) The first was a Daughtry song -- "What About Now." cool. But the second one is so tremendously fantastic! Apparently when she hears BRICKHOUSE by the Commodores, she thinks of me. I'm sure you are all familiar with the song, but let's review the lyrics:
Ow she's a Brick-house
She's mighty mighty
Just lettin' it all hang out
She's a brick-house
That lady's stacked
And that's a fact
Ain't holdin' nothin' back.
Oh she's a brick-house
Yeah she's the one, the only one
Built like an Amazon.
Is that not the most hilarious song assignment EVER. I'm LOVING it. Thank You, Tobi!! I think she was inspired by the picture that she posted of me on her blog where my bosoms are OUT OF CONTROL huge.