Oh, I'm really hating Apple right now. Remember a couple months ago when I purchased a new Nano? I debated over that purchase for months. I kept searching the Internet to make sure Apple wasn't going to come out with a new Nano in the next few months that would be cheaper and better. And WHAT DID THEY DO TO ME????? They've come out with a new Nano that is cheaper
and better just a couple months after I bought my Nano. Fuming. Furious. Super Annoyed.
Did you ever see the SNL skit about ipods where they keep getting smaller and smaller until they are finally invisible? If not, you can watch it
by clicking here. It's not that far off. I should boycott Apple by not buying their products. But I want them. I want them bad. As Rihanna says, I hate how much I love you.
OOOH! They're cute!!
I want them ALL! I'm not getting a new iPod until mine breaks or it's full. Hopefully I've got a long time to go before either of those happens!
BTW - one of my friends bought a MacBook and less than one month later the MacBook Air came out. They never told her about it - didn't even hint about something new coming out.
I guess those Apple nerds like to play like that. It doesn't mean I don't love them...
I agree those Apple nerds have created technology so addicting that it's hard to stay mad for very long. My husband really wants an iTouch but I keep telling him no way, no how. I think I'll just wait until all the iPods are invisible!!
Well do what I do. Find some gullible friend to buy your old iPod from you. Then use that money towards the purchase of your new one. Problem solved... until next year's model.
I am so sorry. They got me too when I bought Wade's shuffle. They lowered the price right after I bought it. UGH! But he loves it and would pay the higher price for it again if he had to. The power they have from creating such great products.
PS We miss you tons. We are counting down the days until your visit!
Garret and and I were drooling over them last night. Tim came over and was being all practical, "your Ipod has all the same features, your ipod is better than anything we ever had growing up, apple is just trying to make you think you need a new one and get more money out of all of us- blah,blah,blah Garret and I know all that, we still want a new one. We told Tim not to be a 'hater' and just embrace it! I want it in every color.......By the way, I have one comment about the PedEgg.....ew!
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