Old Jewelry Case:
But then ...
Ta da!!
I can't take full credit for this. My friend, Ami, who makes very cute jewelry uses the small hand towel holders to hang her necklaces and bracelets. I went to Home Goods to buy one and they were out. So I saw this full-size towel hanger. (To give you perspective it's about three feet tall) I am impatient so I decided to buy the big one instead of waiting for the smaller ones to get in stock -- and I love it! I finally have enough hanging space for all my necklaces. I thought I'd share in case some of you were having similar jewelry hang-ups (or lack of hang-up places for your jewelry). The towel racks are the perfect solution! The necklaces don't get tangled with each other and now my earrings have the jewelry boxes all to themselves.
Ohh Ahh... I love it! I was just complaining to Mike about the same thing. I'll have to copy cat you!
Brilliant!! Now I just need to buy 25 more necklaces so I can justify buying the towel stand. Yeah, yeah. That's the ticket!
That really is genius! But where do you put it? In the bathroom, in a closet or just sitting out for all to see? I think my daughter would attack my jewelry if I left it out. And by the way - you have really great jewelry.
Amazing! I'll have to check out Home Goods next time I go there.
I had NO IDEA you had so many necklaces!
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