Sunday, January 4, 2009

Resolved- REVISED

Welcome to 2009!
So, I've been debating what to write for my first post of the year. At first, I didn't want to publish my resolutions because I felt like they were too personal to be paraded before the masses (or even the fews), but then I thought, "Who better to share my goals with than my blogging buddies who love and support me, right?" I don't think I made any resolutions for 2008. I really hate to fail -- so often when I'm afraid of failure, I just don't try. There is no fail when you haven't tried. (I should put that on a bumper sticker.) Just kidding. It's a terrible personal creed and one that I'm trying to conquer by putting these goals in writing and making them public.
Goals for 2009:
Physical (Edited: Details Deleted)

Spiritual (Edited: Details Deleted)

Financial (Edited: Details Deleted)

Emotional/Social (Edited: Details Deleted)

EDITED TO ADD: So ... ever since I blogged about my goals, I haven't been comfortable. I felt overexposed -- kind of like that nightmare where you go to school/work and realize you're naked. So - I've decided to delete the specifics. I've written them down elsewhere for myself. The following statement still stands:

So, there. I'm resolved. I'm committed. I'm motivated. Onward.


Angie said...

All great goals! I am sitting here on the computer supposedly lesson planning for next week. Hah.

Good luck on the "date more." I have no comment on that because my previous behavior has shown that if a boy/man actually asked me out I would probably faint.

I like how you have made the sweets/desserts very specific. I love hot chocolate. But it's empty calories.

I need to REALLY work on my eating. Because that is how the pounds started creeping back. One only burns like 100 calories for every mile. Something like that. So eating is important. For my food photo journal today I was privileged to take pictures of 4 rolls and a CHEESY potato soup. And blackberry cobbler with ice cream and chocolate syrup. And chocolate milk. Good job with finding some people to hold you accountable. That's why Weight Watchers makes money. Anyway. Baby steps. Tomorrow is another day!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

We must have been on the same wavelength tonight. I posted along a similar theme - but I'm going with the photographic humiliation/shame route toward weight loss.


Good goals. I think I could just carbon copy most of them and add a couple like, "be nice to kids"

The Dragonfly said...

Dang J.G. you had to just go and put all your resolutions out there! I've been avoiding that since I too think they're personal . . . but I wanted to let you know you've made great goals! And I support you. I'll even go one step further and tell you that I am giving up soda and carbonation COMPLETELY. You can do this! And I'm cheering for you.

Tobi said...

Yesterday I forgot that church times changed this Sunday. So as I'm sitting in Fast and Testimony a blind man got up and said some very inspirational things. He said let this be the year you make and meet your goals. He said just repeat to yourself, o-nine (09) is mine.

Your very brave to put your goals out there to be accountable for. I know you can do it JULIE!! Just Keep Swimming!

Nicole said...

I love that you chose things you wanted to accomplish - even if you enlisted help to keep you accountable. You are a strong girl and I know if you put your mind to it, you can cross every one of those things off your list by the end of the year!

Buxton Family said...

We are going to accomplish great things this year! If you want to join our 100 day Book of Mormon Challenge as well I will send you reading chart. The YM in our ward challenged the YW and Wade and I are doing it with Rachel. I hope your first day is going great!

Erika said...

you make me tired just reading this but if anyone can do it - you can Julie! you're really making me think I need to up my standards of myself just a bit. way to motivate us all!

T said...

I like it and good luck with the showing up on time thing...

The Ortiz Family said...

If you put them out there everyone else can help you with them. As for being exposed, I know what you mean but if your friends can't help you during your exposed time then who can?

behka said...

I got your edited version of your resolutions, so good luck on 2009!!!