Haven't blogged since Mother's Day. And now it's Father's Day. Coincidence? Actually, yes.
There have been all sorts of things to blog about, I just haven't had time or been in the mood I suppose. And then the task to catch up seems overwhelming -- and who wants to read LONG WORDY BORING SUMMARY BLOGS?? So I've decided to just post some pictures from my recent adventures and only caption them with 6-word summaries. Hopefully, you can get the idea. And who knows, maybe your version of what you think happened will be better than my version anyway.

Beach-to-Bay Marathon-Relay Roadtrip

Blazing Hot. Such a fun weekend.

That racer's outfit was my favorite.

Won weight contest. Pigged out afterward.
River Walk extension opened. Come visit!
Birthday celebration --on barge with family.
No cake. Made wish on match.
Took mom to Wicked. Wicked Awesome!
Lost a friend --replacement already ordered.
Scenic mountain vacation deserves own post.
Now you are all caught up.